♥ 流星语 ♥

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Two more weeks to go. and Two more days to go.

 i'm so cuteeeee right!!!

ma birthday is just around the corner.
two more weeks to go.
hmmmmm, it will automatically appear on ma mind when it comes to july.
apparently, I'm a JULY BABY!!
and I'm proud of it.

early in the morning
one of ma xiaopo friends 
mentioned about ma coming birthday in msn.
and she asked what do I want for ma birthday.
*hugs hugs* xiaopo.
I never believe that there's somebody else could still
remember ma big day.
I meant, I'm glad that someone could still remember my birthday,
indirectly it potrays that the somebody do keep me in his/her heart.
(of course, angkiki, you're the exception. I know u always remember my day.)

well, what do I want for ma birthday?
this question starts to run through ma mind
after i've been asked by Yee.
quite a lot of things I want.
can't deny that i'm greedy. =D

I want a pair of magnified contact lens, 
since the one which i'm still wearing now has already expired, months ago. o.O
I want a bag, a watch, a white color eye-liner, 
news shoes, garments, bra-belt, new spec,ca$h,
(Proton car will do. and it must be auto ya. Daddy, can you see this? ...No, he couldnt.)

and finally, 
I want a boy friend. 
I told Yee that the saddest thing before the twenty steps into ma life is that:
I still have no boyfriend.
OOooo, sad right?
don't worry, I'll get myself one very soon.
yea, very soon.

honestly, a sincere birthday wish is more than enough for me. 
I'll be happy enough if somebody wish me and it's okay if it's without any presents.
Birthday what, happiness is the best present for me. 
yo, still have 2 weeks to go for my birthday. 
long time wei.

you know what,
pass the exam is more important than the present.
ma results will be released within these two days,
if not mistaken.
oh my super girl~ 
I'm worrying. 
I scare.

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