♥ 流星语 ♥

Saturday, July 17, 2010

today will be a busy but awesome day for me!

i'll be heading to KTAR for my cousin brother's diploma convocation at 1pm later. well....he didnt know that some of his friends are going there to support him. hope he got surprise later! =D Oops, we didn't prepare any bouquets of flowers for him! Hmmmmmm.....

after that we'll straight away head to Bon Odori! Wooooooo~! Perhaps some of you never heard about Bon Odori. Well, don't feel shame, I wouldn't laugh at you........because it's also the first time i heard about this Japanese Festival. wanna know for details on what's Bon Odori? kindly click on me.

hahahaha! read that by yourself. interested with it? see you there then! =)

hope everything goes smoothly today! Weeeeeeeee~~~

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