♥ 流星语 ♥

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Outing to Pyramid

The semester break that I'm having now was totally awesome and relaxing boring and joyless! Boredom makes me just don't feel to stay at home and wanted to hang out for shopping!!! Eventually, plan was succeed and yeah, I went to Pyramid with another three college friends yesterday! XD

Well, normally if I join my secondary friends to shopping mall like Pyramid or Times Square, I will just sitting in the car, enjoy the views of that area all the way and never worry about how to reach the destination. But the feeling and experiences gain from yesterday outing was totally different! Hahaha~ Two of us don't even know how to go to Pyramid while another two, were just "half bail water", led us to Pyramid with their "agak-agak experience". Hmmmmmm, what you think, we did tersesat yesterday! We went straight to the road heading to Puchong instead of the Bandar Sunway one. zzz. Fortunately there were sign boards which led us back to Bandar Sunway and yeah, we've finally saw the LION HEAD and reach our destination!!! Hahahahaha!

The ever first place for the Klang people to go when they reach Pyramid is to go to the wash room. (^,^) After the pee time, yeah, MAKAN first!!! Yeah, again, we went to FULL HOUSE with our main purpose which is to snap photos there. It was the second time I've been there so far. The feeling was pretty good and you'll definitely feel relax sitting in the restaurant.
Let the photos to speak.

Seriously, people go there just to eat and take their tools and decorations such as the hairband, glasses, scarves, the Thomas and the car for the purpose of snapping photos. I think few people would buy the garments and accessories sold there.

After lunch, it was our shopping time! My friends bought quite a lot of things like garments, bag and earrings. Well, you know I'm fat so it is rather hard for me to get my Sam Sui cloths. T^T
hahaha! Anyhow, I bought myself a water-proof liquid eye liner from the Etude House. Woooo~~ it's the first time I bought and use liquid eye liner, hope that I can utilise it. LOL.

The outing was really great and I cant wait for the next round! Now only I realize that I love shopping so much, even though the journey was rather tiring and 'torturing' with the high heel shoes and contact lens. My eyes will easily get tired and sleepy after wearing the lens for few hours. Weird right? hahahaha! Who cares. Hmmm.

Well, gonna go for work right now! see you then babe! Muaksz!
I'm lateeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Ish!

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