♥ 流星语 ♥

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Time flies and the holiday's gonna end very soon.This week is the last week of my semester break. In another word, I'll be back to college next monthday. Frankly speaking, right now I already can feel how stress and suffer will I be in the coming new semester studies even though the classes haven't get started yet. Sob....

Alright, forget the sad thing first. Let's talk about my last weekend's activities. As mentioned in the previous post, I went to my cousin brother's convocation at KTAR with another few friends at 17th July. Oh Gosh~~ the number of students there are really much more huge than my college one. (HICT, so booo)

Other than shooting photos, nothing much we did there that day.

There're many photos have not uploaded by my friend yet. so that's all I can post it on my blog here.
Cousin brother never know that some of us would visit him that day and he really got surprise when he saw us there. I think that he really felt happy in his convo because he totally act like a monkey when snapping photos. :D

However, I guess I would have to consider for twice if you ask me to go to KTAR next time. Of course, it's not because of the dirty and smelly toilet in KTAR but the way to go to KTAR is really far and boring. We took bus from Klang Central to Pasar Seni, and then took LRT to Wangsa Maju, and then took taxi to reach KTAR. Gosh, it spent around 2 hours to reach there and you know, the weather was hot!!!!! LOL.....I really can't stand for the hot weather.

After the convocation, we departed to Bon Odori which located at Shah Alam by bus, followed up by LRT and KTM. It sounds so complicated right? LOL......
Back to the topic of Bon Odori, wow, the scene was pack like sardin! For the first time being there, I felt that Bon Odori is quite a nice place where we have chance to see real Japanese dance or walk around there.
and We've got the chance to snap photos with some Japanese kids. They're so adorable!

After Bon Odori, I went to my mummy's hometown together with my cousin brother. It was quite late when we reached hometown. In short, the weekend was hot and tired but awesome and fun!!

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