♥ 流星语 ♥

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy 50th Birthday, Mr.Traj

a very very long time ago in September 25th, a baby who will never anticipate that 'Fantastic' would be his powerful cliché has came to this world!

and today, he was 50's and we just had a small birthday celebration for him!

guess who? the old baby is our Business Edge lecturer, Mr.Thangaraj! ;)

by the way, I don't meant to flatter the lecturer (I don't think I've got to do so), but he really impressed me a lot especially during this semester in the ways he imparts his knowledge and experience; the life's philosophies that he shared with us; his diligent, cheer and many other positive thinking... he himself is a good example for me to learn to, and I wish one day I can be just like him, having a brilliant brain; flying around the world for business dealing is like nothing out of the ordinary.  

i'm actually glad that I do still able to attend his class in the ever last semester (should be) before graduating. His experience and skills that he imparted to me in this semester's subject are just in time to prepare me well before stepping into the society. so how could I not like him? hahaha...

like giving award, isn't?


Vigraman will definitely get whacked if he shows his hand in that way in Australia. LOL

a tie as present

Once again, happy birthday Mr.Traj!
May your every tomorrow filled with happiness & health! 

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