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Sunday, August 7, 2011

EQ Test & Leadership Test

Have just taken an EQ test & an Leadership Test for study purpose. Click me & me. : )

EQ Test result:

My score:
31, within 25-34.

People in this range often find themselves blowing up at their co-workers, even their loved ones. They seem to have less 'buffer' for dealing with change, stress and difficulty. Some people also report depression or feeling 'lost' in life. 

People that typically score in this range are able to recognise and understand their feelings as well as being able to express them in an appropriate manner. They are comfortable with who they are. They are not afraid to show love, empathy and compassion for other people. They are comfortable with intimacy and comfortable about giving of themselves to other people.
They are also very good communicators. They are very in tune with themselves and those around them. In most circumstances they know how to say the right thing at the right moment. They are good friends and partners. They are able to show anger in appropriate ways and are not afraid to stand up for what they believe. They are not afraid to cry if they are hurt. They are not afraid to admit that they are wrong, or embarrassed to say they are sorry.

They are typically happy, well-rounded people. They easily accept challenges and are able to stay motivated and focused in the face of setbacks. They are able to set and achieve goals for themselves. They are positive and optimistic about themselves, the others around them, and their future.

Remember that emotional intelligence never stops growing. Because people are always evolving, EQ is something that needs to be nurtured. If it isn't your emotional intelligence will disappear. Continue to utilise the emotional intelligence that you have and continue to identify and work on areas that need work. If you do this, your EQ will continue to flourish!


Are you allowing the 'winds' of change to direct you - instead of setting your own course using an internal compass? Are you responding to life and its challenges with fear and insecurity rather than passion and purpose? Emotional intelligence can be learned and improved - with big payoffs! Studies of entrepreneurs and employees at some of the world's top organizations, show that EQ counts for twice as much as IQ and technical skills combined in defining who will be a star. Improving EQ results in better relationships, greater health and a happier outlook on life! Areas to work on: Given that self-awareness is the foundation of EQ, you might want to start here on the road to higher EQ. Ask yourself: - What situations generally create tension and stress for you? How are you handling these situations? - What negative thoughts play over and over in your mind on a regular basis? Are these a true picture of reality? - Are you afraid to share your needs and feelings with others? Is it because you are taking care of everyone else - being a martyr - or acting 'the strong, silent type'? If we have trouble expressing our emotional needs - if we regularly put others needs before our own - there's a good chance that we will one day wake up feeling empty, hostile, or depressed. Don't let this happen to you! Take care of yourself! Express your key needs. It may be difficult at first - but research shows it will be a win-win. So move into the 'zone of discomfort' to express those needs and you will be rewarded for your hard work several times over! This is one of the key steps to building emotional intelligence. You'll be happier - and those around you will understand you better, and be grateful for the feedback. Remember, if life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond, then we hold the power to create the lives we want!

Leadership Test result:

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