♥ 流星语 ♥

Sunday, March 13, 2011

the second visit to Bukit Cahaya

went out for yumcha session with my two ladies in Old Town Coffee House yesterday.

had a freaking sincere, frank & nice chats with them. They made me realized about the perspectives I gave to them, which some are goods but most are still... hmmm. I think I've made them go crazy with my emotions as I can't control my tears from dropping for few times. paiseh for that, girls! :)

until when we were going to end our conversation, we came out with a plan to have a cycling session in Bukit Cahaya Shah Alam in the next day.

Ohhhhhh I remembered that place, after the first visit to Bukit Cahaya, I told myself and even announced to my friends that Don't Ever Ask Me Out to that Scary Place Again!!!

Well, the main purpose for visiting Bukit Cahaya is actually to take a rented-bicycle and cycling around the bukit which comprised with most of hillsides everywhere.

Okay, you might think that it's just a bukit what? cycling, ahhh, what a sapsapsui job.
But you know, I can't cycle! YES, I can't cycle.
I can't even cycle well in a flat road, moreover a slope road?

I remembered that at the first time visited there, I did rent a bicycle and thought that it should be not a problem for me to cycle...as I've been riding a few years ago in my mum's kampung. But eventually I found out that I'm such a stupid fellow who can't even control a bicycle.
but all of my friends can cycle, and they enjoyed riding on the hillsides which I scary of a load. I just can't stop imagined that if I continued trying cycling on the hillsides, I'll probably fall down from the hillsides, and next I won't be able to meet my family, my friends, my darling and honey anymore!!! NO!

so how was the ending? yea, on the halfway, one of my friend fetch me back to the starting point, and you should be understanding that how tough it is for him to fetch along such a huge kingkong for around 35 minutes of journey, and on top of that, my friend is a skinny fellow! Awwwwwwww, pity him. hahahaha!!
That is why, I don't have the urge to visit Bukit Cahaya at all since I can't cycle.

and now, two years later, these two ladies invited me to this freaking place and I....really have no any excuses to reject them. Fortunately, I did 'trained' cycling in my kampung last month during Chinese New Year and I was able to cycle quite well that time. So sing it out loud: 'I believed~ I can CYCLE~~~~'. So in the second visit to Bukit Cahaya, I tried my best to cycle on the hillside and you know what, I've success! hohohoho~
aiyo, so proud of myself. so am here to reannounce again that, Hey Fellow! Next Round to Bukit Cahaya, Don't Forget to Invite Me!!!! hahahaha~

and this travel was rather awesome as I had the chance to see some amazing scenaries. One of them is this!

isnt it's nice? hahaha!! hey he doesn't shows his beautiful feathers to people so randomly and easily lo. So I feel that I'm really so lucky to witness it by myself. hahaha~

alright, it's time to stop here. I realized that I was too relax in the first week of schooling. didn't be prepared much on the study materials and have not even start doing my homework which due tomorrow!  and I actually felt a little bit guilty of being so. Lol.....really wasted too much of time on playing! well, have to start doing homework right now!! sad. byebye~

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