♥ 流星语 ♥

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

20th Birthday

It was a week ago since I published the last post. As I said I'll be quite busy in study and 'll not be around on blogspot lately. yet, you'll still see me on facebook EVERYDAY...while today am back to here again. Lol....

Let's talk about my birthday! YES! It dropped at 31st July...alright, it's kinda not easy to get someone from my friends list (and even facebook) whose also born at 31st July. So far I just found one and she's my friend's sister. From what I've been told by that friend, at the first met we have, I gave him the feeling that I behave and charaterized in the totally same way as his sister. I was like....are you serious?! and start from that time I was very interested with his sister and try to check her out. well, I don't think that we behave alike...at least! She's prettier and slimmer than me. Hahaha....

Back to the topic, I have attended 4 hours of Income Tax Law lesson on my birthday. After the class me and another 5 xiaopos went for [chicken n pork n fillet] chop together. I got a handbag from them which I wanted to buy when I spot it in Pyramid but there has no more new stock, hence I didn't make any purchase.
and finally, I got the bag which is a new stock!

After the lunch I rushed back for tuition teaching. and I got surprise from the boss, another two teachers as well as part of my students! They sang me birthday song, I made wish and blew the candles. =)
I was really shock with their birthday song and cake becuz I never expected that they will  prepare all this for me.

And lastly will be KikiLaLa. well, this girl has air mail me birthday presents far from Hong Kong right before my birthday. Be frank, I don't know that she will air mail me until when I saw the pack, I can guess that it's gonna be my birthday present. Lol.....
Weee~~ THANKS Kiki!! xD

My birthday was awesome with presents and my facebook was flooded with birthday wishes! Lol....as I said, wishes are more than enough for me and I'll be pretty happy by just receiving wishes from everyone! but uh....I need to type 'thanks' and adding one smile emoticon behind the word; one by one and facebook to facebook loh......it was...hmmmmm. quite tiring one. hahahaha! anyway, I do really appreciate to everyone who wished me via facebook, mobile phone and MSN. =D

Well, I've to wait for another 1 year for my birthday......

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